Code Reading Skills for ExtJS newbie

@samnangchhun wrote a blog post talking about this particular subject, I just want to share my experience exploring a new tool especially the ExtJS library from

Now there is something special about which I love, they put alot of effort in documenting their library API as well as sample projects in every release.

But like any other developers out there the only page in the document that I would read slowly is getting start, once I could say hello I would try to solve my problem with this new library/framework. That the only way that keep me focus and dig deeper into the document, source code, sample project, testing unit whatever available. At the end of the day I would know that this is the right tool or not.

How do i get this quick in adapting with new environment? I walk the same path as what @samnangchhun described in his blog and I did it enough that I can quick capture the convention and pattern of the thing I want to know. So if you haven’t read enough code do it now ;)

Great weekend everyone.

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